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Kim Ebeling

Who’s Ready to Party?

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

We have been staying at home out of caution and to flatten the curve for over 80 days now. WOW! That's a long time and we should be proud as we really have done what we set out to do. Congratulations!

As a wedding planner and event planner, we have many of our clients saying but can we host a safe event yet? The answer is yes but. Yes, but it may look a little different. It really depends on many factors like the county and city your event is scheduled to take place.

We have been having these conversations with all of our clients. It is especially hard on the couples and so together we are answering those hard questions in regards to postponing their weddings. It is something they have planned for and worked on for so long. It is something they have invested in and were really excited about. And now, what should they do? If you are in their same position, what should you do?

There are so many things that you can consider that will help you make the best decision for your wedding. We suggest you make a list and as you answer these questions, decide which are deal breakers and which you might not have strong feelings about. Which you can live with and the ones that just won’t work for you and your celebration.

If you are unsure whether you want your wedding to proceed considering the existing circumstances of Covid-19, here are some questions you and your fiancé should ask yourselves in order to make an informed decision.

1. Are you okay with limiting your guest count?

2. Are you okay hosting your wedding if certain guests cannot attend whether because of fear of becoming ill or being told by a health care provider it is not safe?

3. Do you understand your decision to host a wedding now may upset some of your guests, family and friends?

4. Are you okay shifting your food service options to fall in line with current service guidelines? This will likely include removing all self-service options, increase your need for additional staff and may cost more.

5. Are you okay with your vendors wearing masks?

6. Are you okay with your guests wearing masks?

7. Are you okay if physical greetings with the exception of the couple is not permitted?

8. Are you okay if guests are required to use hand sanitizer to enter the wedding?

9. Are you okay if guests are required to have their temperatures taken to enter the wedding?

10. Are you okay if dancing is not allowed or is restricted at your wedding?

Wedding sign in a field of flowers. It is pointing towards the wedding ceremony and wedding reception site. #weddingplanner #malibuweddingplanner #scottsdaleweddingplanner #losangelesweddingplanner

While this is not an all inclusive, it should help you shape your decision. Hopefully these questions get you thinking and maybe even to your answer. However, if you need a wedding expert to talk it out with, let us know. We are here to help you!



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